Friday, February 27, 2009


Check it OUT!! Eat lots of fruits will enhance your health and will make u full with less calories intake. Some of these fruits are good to fight against cancer since they have anti-oxidant properties. Here are some suggestions made by Malaysia Men's Health magazine to make u consume fruits in a 'yummy' way.

  1. pomegranate ; pomegranate seeds are high in polyphenols, plant chemicals that fight inflammation. Mix the seeds into oatmeal for more flavor and crunch.

  2. persimmon ; the antioxidants in persimmons can help control diabetes and the cell damage it causes. Serve the fruit with prosciutto and fresh mozzarella.

  3. kiwifruit ; one kiwi contains about 100 milligrams of immunity-boosting vitamin C. Add kiwi slices to a spinach salad.

  4. guava ; one cup of guava contains more than 8500 micrograms of the antioxidant lycopene, which may help prevent coronary artery disease. Pair it with blue cheese and figs for a snack.

  5. pomelo ; pomelos pack flavanones, a class of antioxidants that have been shown to help prevent the spread of cancerous cells. Include them in a topping for a desert sorbet.

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