Thursday, May 7, 2009


Semalam aku g main bolink at Kajang Pt. Waduh, 3 games wif Elen, Azi n Herol. penat jari jemari xruncing ini.hehe..Walhal,xpenah pun strike, masuk longkang jer :p .anyway, thanks to Herol yg byk ajar aku cara2 melempar, mencampak yg betul. haha. After that, delight myself wif Elen at Sushi King. Blueberry pruitzer dia mngancam laa..teringat2 plak.alamak,lupa nk bawa camera skali.kalo x da leh tunjuk.huhuhu..
I should present my micro teaching today, but bcoz we're running out of time, postpone to next week. may i be better prepared.

1 comment:

  1. Waahh ... kira tau la main bowling. sy x tau lgsg nih. alahai.
